19 feb. 2009

Two weeks of article readings

I've now finnished the first two weeks of my in depth study. The outcome is a litterature survey in application mobility. Finally I get to put away the articles for about 12 weeks before I will finish the in depth study!

The next step will to identify and specify system requirements for my Implementation. The following scenario shows how the system basically will work.

I think that is all I have to say for now. Might just post a picture of the view from the floor where I'm working to make this blog a bit more fun. Furthermore I just want to add that the air conditioning in this building is extremly effective, my hands are so cold that I can't maintain my usual typing rate on the keyboard.

1 kommentar:

  1. han arbetar ju med systematik och och flöden som likväl ju föregår en utav oundviklig implementation! av Far, åt Far!!
    AAAAAAAR!! y
